My Workflow
I write the notes using VNote. After comparing some note taking apps (Obsidian, Zettlr, etc.), I choose it for some reasons:
markdown-it support
markdown with Mathjax plug-in
it can be hosted in Github Pages easily with Viki.
My personal wiki is available in three static host:
at Netlify using Gatsby Starter Bee, because:
it supports markdown files and folder structures
it is integrated with GitHub
it has RSS feed
it is fast
at Gitbook Site using Gitbook, because:
it supports markdown files and folder structures
it is integrated with GitHub
it supports full text search
at GitHub Pages using Viki, because:
it supports markdown files and folder structures
it is integrated with GitHub
it supports VNote structure
So, I need to sync the notes to Gitbook and Netlify repository, and I use SyncFolder for Windows 10.
So, here are my workflow:
Write markdown notes using VNote
Sync all the files and folders with SyncFolder
Push to Github
Problems with Workflow
Ensure to make consistent format between Gitbook and Gatsby Starter Bee in Viki will be displayed as the first page, but it will be displayed as the last page in Gitbook will be displayed as the first page of Gitbook
No first line texxt in Gitbook. We should start with Header to make Gitbook display the correct Header.
In Gitbook, you cannot have two Header 1's or more.
In Gatsby, you need a title. So if you have both title and Header 1, both will be displayed in Gatsby site.
Last updated
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