CT-Scan for Covid-19 Classification using Machine Learning
DAtaset : three categories (Covid, Control, Pneunomia)
AlexTS1980/COVID-CT-Mask-Net : Segmentation and Classification, category (COVID, pneumonia, normal), Mask R-CNN.
JordanMicahBennett/SMART-CT-SCAN_BASED-COVID19_VIRUS_DETECTOR, historical project related CT scan usage for Covid Classification
Covid-Net, complete covid-net project (Covid-Net, CovidNet-S, CovidNet-CT, COVIDNet-CXR)
zeeshannisar/COVID-19 : CovidNet with different architecture pretrained
iliasprc/COVIDNet : Pytorch Implementation of CovidNET
Jeremykhon, complete list of project
JunMa11/COVID-19-CT-Seg-Benchmark CT Scan Segmentation
Imaging and clinical features of patients with 2019 novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, Xi Xu et al.
Chest CT findings in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a comprehensive review, Jinkui Li et al.
CT in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): a systematic review of chest CT findings in 4410 adult patients, Vineeta Ojha et al.
iCTCF: an integrative resource of chest computed tomography images and clinical features of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia, Wanshan Ning et al. Project Site, Europe PMC Open Access Research Square
Computed Tomography (CT) Imaging Features of Patients with COVID-19: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ephrem Awulachew et al. NCBI Open Access
Open resource of clinical data from patients with pneumonia for the prediction of COVID-19 outcomes via deep learning, Wanshan Ning et al., Nature Open Access
Fast automated detection of COVID-19 from medical images using convolutional neural networks, Shuang Liang et al. Research Square
Last updated
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