Free and Open Books
CC0 Licensed Books
MIT Licensed Books
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Compression, Github License: MIT
Computer Graphics from Scratch License: MIT
BSD Licensed Books
Robotic Manipulaiton Github License: BSD
CC-BY Licensed Books
Math in Society License: CC-BY
Statistic Done Wrong CC-BY
Scipy Lectures CC-BY
Introduction of Networking: How Internet Works CC-BY (pdf)
Pemrograman Go CC-BY
Edible Plant Food CC-BY
Data Science Live Book CC-BY
Dive Into Python 3 CC-BY
Full Speed Python CC-BY
Advanced Bioinformatics CC-BY
Scientific Computing CC-BY
Computer Network: A System Approach License: CC-BY
Data Journalism License: CC-BY
CC-BY-NC Licensed Books
Data+Design CC-BY-NC
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python CC-BY-NC
Introduction of Networking: How Internet Works CC-BY-NC (print)
The Shape of Design, French Translation CC-BY-NC
Pro Git CC-BY-NC
Nature of CodeCode CC-BY-NC
Introduction to Autonomous Robot License: CC BY-NC
Introduction to Computer Graphics License: CC BY-NC-SA
CC-BY-NC-ND Licensed Books
A Brief Introduction to Neural Networks CC-BY-NC-ND
Applied Artificial Neural Networks CC-BY-NC-ND
Computational and Inferential Thinking CC-BY-NC-ND
R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund Github License: CC-NC-ND
An Introduction to Computer Networks License: CC-BY-NC-ND with some permission
Think DSP License: CC-BY-NC
From Python to Numpy License: CC-BY-NC
Lessons on Data Carpentry, Github License: CC-BY
Chris Albon : Notes On Using Data Science & Machine Learning To Fight For Something That Matters
Open Course
Open Course from Lumen - Lumen Learning, example:
Free eBook 2020
Calculus, Contemporary Calculus, Hoffman License: CC-BY
HyperPhysics Concepts: free book on Physics, Electricity
Free eBook 2021
From Python to Numpy License: CC-BY-NC
2012 Book Archive License: CC-BY-NC
Machine Vision Study Guide—Machine Vision Study Guide License: CC-BY
Operating Systems Study Guide—Operating Systems Study Guide License: CC-BY
Algrebaic Topology Github License: LGPL
Preface - Practice Python Projects License: CC-BY-NC
Elementary Calculus License: CC-BY-NC
Underactuated Robotics Control for Robotics
Algorithms for Decision Making License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Algorithms for Optimization License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Networking eBook
High Performance Browser Networking (O'Reilly) License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Beej's Guide to Network Programming License: CC-BY-NC-ND
Control eBook
Tech Book for Kids
2021 eBook
Computer Science from the Bottom Up License: CC-BY
Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - OpenStax CNX License: CC-BY
CS Unplugged License: CC-BY
The Joy of Cryptography License: CC-BY-NC
CS eBooks
Algorithms by Jeff Erickson License: CC-BY, excep some lecture notes
Open Data Structures License: CC-BY
Runestone Interactive Books License: CC-BY
2022 eBook
Welcome - Practical Cryptography for Developers ebook, License: MIT
The Joy of Cryptography License: CC-BY-NC-SA
Last updated