Fun and Prank
Harmless Prank
Handshake left and right
Put tape on laser mouse
Plug in a second mouse
Run or take path randomly
Carefully step over a non-existing obstacle
Takes an item and leaves it somewhere (ex. yellow rubber duck)
Looking at a non reflective surface and doing stuff
Ask, "What was your (or your wife's/husband's/sister's/etc...) name again?" After they answer I shake my head and say, "No... that's not it."
When driving I like to wave at random people as if I knew them.
When you're talking to someone, just keep handing them random items. They'll just keep taking them without realizing it.
In phone conversation, say "Ok, hold on a sec.....", lay the receiver down and see how long they are prepared to wait on the chance you're coming back.
Starts staring into the sky
Comment on a picture that "The three of you look great!" if there were 4 people in the picture.
Say "High five" to someone, but don't put your hand up.
Took a screenshot of a desktop and moved all of his icons off of it so it looked legit but nothing worked
Turn every image into Nic Cage Ncage - Chrome Web Store or nCage+ - Chrome Web Store or TrollFace Everywhere - Chrome Web Store
Add hair in desktop with Hair on Screen - Chrome Web Store
Collection of Prank 'em - Chrome Web Store
Play random video of Cenafy - Chrome Web Store or Rick Roller - Chrome Web Store
Whenever you're speaking to somebody who is dominating the conversation, focus on their chin or ear. Look slightly concerned.
Hid coins randomly
Remote random TV with smartphone
Call in sick to a place you don't work.
Make strange shopping lists and then leave them in the cart
Windows: right click, display setting, display orientation. or CTRL+ALT+Arrow
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