Machine Learning by Andrew Ng Resources
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Suplementary Notes
Holehouse Notes : review by holehouse
Vkosuri Notes : ppt, pdf, course, errata notes, Github Repo
Danlu Zhang : review by Danlu Zhang
Stanford : quiz discussion
Suplementary Codes
Fengdu78 : ppt, code in python (ipynb)
dibgerge : assignment code in python (ipynb)
Kaleko : assignment code in python (ipynb)
nsoojin : code in python
lucasshenv : code in python (ipynb) using Tensorflow
AvaisP : assignment code in Octave
Benlau93 : assignment code in Python
worldveil: code, pdf
Week 1:
Week 2:
Octave tutorial pdf
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6:
Week 7:
Week 8:
Week 9:
Week 10:
Week 11:
Extra Information
Machine Learning Online E Books
Master Machine Learning Algorithms: Discover How They Work and Implement Them From Scratch Jason Brownlee, proprietary, used
Course in Machine Learning free, used
Machine Learning Tutorial
Trekhleb Machine Learning with Octave, free, used
Trekhleb Machine Learning with Python, free, used
Trekhleb Deep Learning with Python, free, used
ML Cheatsheet free, used
Machine Learning Youtube
Last updated
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