Safety Helmet and Plate Detection
Safety Helmet Detection Github Repos
njvisionpower/Safety-Helmet-Wearing-Dataset: safety helmet dataset, segmented by Yolo
wujixiu/helmet-detection : SSD-MobileNet, Faster-RCNN, TinyYOLO etc. Paper
BlcaKHat/yolov3-Helmet-Detection : YOLOv3, image
iamdsc/automatic-helmet-detection : realtime, SSD-MobileNet
Angericky/safety-helmet-detection-in-real-time-video: realtime, YOLO
AyazSaiyed/Helmet-Detection-: image, YOLO
rafiuddinkhan/Yolo-Training-GoogleColab: realtime, YOLO
YaphetS-X/CenterNet-MobileNetV3: realtime, CenterNet-MobileNet
PeterH0323/Smart_Construction: realtime, YOLOv5
mohanrajmit/Safety_Detection: realtime, YOLO
Object-Detection_HelmetDetection: image (video?), Contex RCNN
AnshulSood11/PPE-Detection-YOLO-Deep_SORT: YOLO, deepsort
License Plate Detection Github Repos
openalpr/openalpr: OpenALPR is an open-source Automatic License Plate Recognition library written in C++ with bindings in C#, Java, Node.js, Go, and Python. The library analyzes images and video streams to identify license plates.
xuexingyu24/License_Plate_Detection_Pytorch: This is a two-stage lightweight and robust license plate recognition in MTCNN and LPRNet using Pytorch. MTCNN is a very well-known real-time detection model primarily designed for human face recognition. It is modified for license plate detection. LPRNet, another real-time end-to-end DNN, is utilized for subsequent recognition.
Dharun/Tensorflow-License-Plate-Detection : ssd-mobilenet + tasseract OCR
TheophileBuy/LicensePlateRecognition : Yolo+Edge Detection+CNN
qjadud1994/CRNN-Keras : CNN (for character recognition) + RNN (for number sequence detection), image
lyl8213/Plate_Recognition-LPRnet, paper : CNN + CTC, image
sirius-ai/LPRNet_Pytorch, LPRNet implementation in Pytorch
SarthakV7/AI-based-indian-license-plate-detection : Haar Cascade
Real-Time Helmet Detection: video-based, handheld based.
upgrade wujixiu/helmet-detection : SSD-MobileNet, Faster-RCNN, TinyYOLO etc. Paper
upgrade iamdsc/automatic-helmet-detection : realtime, SSD-MobileNet
upgrade rafiuddinkhan/Yolo-Training-GoogleColab: realtime, YOLO
upgrade YaphetS-X/CenterNet-MobileNetV3: realtime, CenterNet-MobileNet
upgrade PeterH0323/Smart_Construction: realtime, YOLOv5
upgrade mohanrajmit/Safety_Detection: realtime, YOLO
combined with plate identification?
Safety Helmet Detection Paper
Safety Helmet and Plate Detection Papers
Last updated
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