Audio and Music Tools
Audio and music processing tools.
Related links: 🔗 Audio, Music, Radio, and Podcast Streaming Apps 🔗 Free Audio and Music
AI Apps for Audio
GuitarML - Zak Jost Audio Enhancement Machine Learning
librosa—librosa 0.8.1 documentation python package for music and audio analysis
AI Music Separation
Open Source Tools and Data for Music Source Separation License: CC-BY-NC
SUDO RM RF : SUccessive DOwnsampling and Resampling of Multi-Resolution Features which enables a more efficient way of separating sources from mixtures
Deep Audio : Audio Source Separation Without Any Training Data
AI Music Recognition
Audio Creation
Audio and Music Programming
AI Audio and Music Generator
Audio and Music Creation and Sharing
Beepbox : BeepBox is an online tool for sketching and sharing instrumental melodies.
Jummbox : Jummbox is Beepbox modification (online tool for sketching and sharing chip tune melodies).
WASM Audio Processing
Amped Studio : audio processing, need login
Soundation : audio processing, need login
ogv.js : audio processing
WASM Synth WASM Music Synthesizer
Audio Player
Online Audio Player
Peer to Peer Audio
Audio Editor
Desktop Audio Editor
Online Audio Editor
Virtual Audio Tools
VB-Audio Virtual Apps audio output to audio input
Working with Virtual Audio Tools
Audio Recording - Transcription
We cannot listen the audio output from playback apps
Use cases:
Record Zoom Webinar to Speechtexter, Google Docs etc.
Audio Input Mixing
Use cases:
Record with multiple input to Audacity
Broadcast with multiple input (our voice + music from AIMP) to Zoom, Youtube etc.
Audio Output Mixing
OS Sound Setting
Output 1 VAC Microphone
VAC Repeater Setting
Wave in: Line 1 VAC Microphone
Wave out: Speaker/Headphone
Use cases:
Transcribe (and listen) Zoom Seminar to Speaker and Speechtexter, Google Docs
Translate Youtube Video using Google Translate
Zoom Audio Recording/Transcription
Google Meet Audio Transcription
Open Google Meet, using default Mic
But we cannot do both Speechtexter and Google Docs We cannot do both Speechtexter and Voice Note We can do both Google Meet and Speechtexter/VoiceNote/Dictanote We can do both Zoom and Speechtexter/VoiceNote/Dictanote
Audio Editor
Music Processing
Music Learning
Last updated