Awesome Google Colab Notebooks
Computer Vision Google Colab Notebooks
Google DayDream Produce dream-alike imagery link
Big GAN Produce photorealistic images link
Style Transfer Transfer style of an image to another link
DeOldify Colorization of Videos link
3D Ken Burns Effect 3D depth video of a photo link
First Order Motion model Transfers facial movements from video footage to an image link
WiKi Art Create Images using Art works just like Art in AI link
StyleGAN 2 Generate Facial Human Images using improved GAN link
Edge Detection Use open cv to detect edges of the various images and videos link
Learn to paint Teach machines to paint like human painters link
TwinGan Unsupervised image translation for Human portraits link
Face Swap GAN Takes 2 videos and swap faces link
Traffic Counting Counts the traffic on roads link
FaceBook detectron2 For object detection, covering bounding box and object instance segmentation outputs link
DeepFaceLab Generate High quality DeepFake Videos link
3D Feature Visualization Produce feature visualizations on 3D mesh surfaces link
Lucid Modelzoo Visualize neural networks link
YOLO V3 Object detection using Yolo link
Clothe image classification Classify clothing images link
Pneumonia detection Detect pneumonia from medical x-ray images link
Breast cancer detection Detect breast cancer from pre-trained data sets link
Imaging - Amaretto Amaretto is the software toolbox for network Biology link
Waifu 2x Upscale photo and video quality link
Twitter Trends Get a list of trending news on twitter link
Mask R-CNN Object detection using Mask R-CNN link
PiFu HD 3D Human Digitalisation link
Sudoku Solver Solve sudoku using SatNet link
GPT2 Adventure GPT2 based game link
Atari Games Train an agent to play Atari Games link
Cartoon GAN Cartoonize your photos link
Hall of Faces Detect faces in any photo link
Chrome Dino Game Bot that plays chrome dino game link
Plant Classification A plant seedling classifier link
Cascade R-CNN Object detection using Cascade RCNN link
Pedestrian Tracking Pedestrian Tracking with YOLOv3 and DeepSORT link
Segment Cars & Streets Real Time Semantic Segmentation with LightNet++ link
LipGAN Generate lip motion link
Deeplab V3 Semantic Segmentation using Torchvision Deeplab v3 link
OpenPose Pose Detection with OpenPose link
DensePose Pose Detection with DensePose link
Text Detection Text Detection in a scene with PixelLink link
Face Tracker Track and Segment Persons with SiamMask link
Image Upsampler Upsample Images and generate HQ resolution with Pulse link
Super Slow motion Make any video Super SlowMo link
Replace Background Replace Image background with Background Matting link
3D photo in-painting 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting link
Super Resolution Image Super Resolution Prediction link
3D object detection LiDAR point cloud based 3D object detection link
Earth Engine Interactive mapping using earth engine API and folium link
OpenVINO OpenVINO Edge developement and deployment on Google Colab link
Autonomous Vehicle A self-driving car that manuvers itself on a two-lane track. link
Image Colorization Instance aware image colorization link
Real Image Editing In-Domain GAN Inversion for Real Image Editing link
Data Science
Jupyter Notebook
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